Wednesday, 4 December 2013

I Can Tell It!

Hello everybody!!
Today my post is about activities that we prepare to “I Can Tell it” when the children came to our university. First of all, the teacher read the start of one story:

 It is time to sleep, and the fairies open the Book of Fairy Tales to help children have pleasant dreams. Suddenly, the Boring Wizard appears and starts blowing and blowing, until all the pages of the book are lost. The Fairy tales are very sad, and need the help of a group of brave children to retell their favourite Fairy Tales and make them live again!

So…when they arrived to the university we started to create the story of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs.

The space was contextualised with different pictures of the Snow White and the Seven dwarfs then we gave to the children hoods and little posters with the names of the seven dwarfs. 

Also we were disguised like the characters of the story (Snow White, the prince and stepmother).

The first activity was a remembering of the story where the children had to put in order the pieces of a puzzle. I add a photo to see you the activity. This activity was doing in pairs with the help of the other children, then the two kids were changing for other two.
The next activity consisted on telling the story with the help of a power point and supporting by gestures. The power point had the same photos than the puzzle, so it was bridging one between the other. We wanted the understanding of the story by the kids.
   The last activity was a game. The children were divided in two groups. Children had to answer some questions related to Snow White fairy tale, if one group did not know the answer the other group can answer. In this activity, children can prove their understanding of this story; this is a way of evaluation.

                Other groups made their activities related to other fariry tales, for example: Cinderella or Hercules. The tasks had to be related with ICT resources, in our case, we used a projector to tell the story but other group created puzzles to make in the digital board.

                In conclusion, the activity was very enjoyable and children spent a good time. It was a good experience for us, and the most important thing, we create the activities to children not for us, on this way we can see if it was adequate for the age and their level.